You are definitely going to be asked this or something similar, so you should be prepared for this. A great example of how to answer this question would be;
I intend to complete my master degree in economics and follow that up with a master degree in business administration. My lifelong dream is to work for one of the five top financial institutions in the world hence, in five years, I should have my office in one of those institutions most likely the World Bank.
I intend to be the managing director of this great establishment and play my part in moving it to the zenith of the financial world.
Do you have any question for me?
I would advise you have questions for the interviewers. It gives an impression that you think this is important enough for you to create time to read for it.
My favourite academic based questions to ask are; would I have access to a course specific counselor? What is the mentorship programme in the school like? How many optional courses can I add to my compulsory courses?
Why do you want to study in this country? /What attracts you about this country’s educational system?
Model answer
“My decision to study in this country was fuelled by my desire to study in the top institution in the world, as of 2015, when I graduated, based on the recent global ranking, your university is in the top ten. In addition this country’s education system is similar to the country’s education system hence transitioning will be smooth”.
Tell me about a project/accomplishment that you consider to be the most significant in your career
You already have so much experience that has enhanced your understanding, what else do you think this university can add to you?
What was the most important part of one application process from the beginning?
How and why did your choose your field/course of study? Why is it importantly for you to study in this country /Why this University?
Do you know if you meet the requirement for this program?
If everything go as planned, how does this step fit into your long term plan?
Most challenging experience in your schooling so far?
What type of hobbies do you enjoy outside of work?